Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Barking puppies - neighbours complain.

Best time to train is when the puppy is young. But you must know why the puppy barks. Below are the common situations:

1. Bark to ask you to wake up past midnight to change the soiled newspapers inside the crate during the first week. If you can't get up, the puppy may continue barking.

Some first-time owners get up and gave the puppy a spanking or shouting. They don't know that they have to change the soiled papers, thinking that the neighbours will be upset at this noise nuisance. Some owners change the papers and the barking stops. Do not play with the puppy. Just change and go to sleep. The tone of bark sounds different.

2. Boredom. The more he barks, the more attention he gets. So he barks more.

3. To let you know that someone or something is unusual.

4. Greeting you.

Train him not to bark when you are at home:

1. Find a situation where your dog will always bark. For example, a person knocks on the door or rings a door bell. Somebody walking past the apartment.

2. When your rushes to the door and bark loudly, go to your dog, grab his collar and give him the command “quiet” in a firm voice.

3. If he stops barking, praise and reward him with food treats and a pat.

4. If he continues barking, gently close his mouth with your hand, wrap your fingers around his muzzle and say “quiet”. Some owners spank their hand at the same time and it can be quite effective.

Praise and reward him with food treats if he stops. Most dogs will be able to learn the “quiet” command with repeated training as described above.

5. Get a friend to knock the door etc. and repeat the training for around 5-10 minutes. Praise and reward are important. Soon the puppy is trained.
For older or rescued dogs, it is very difficult in some cases. If you spend time training, chances of success are high.

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