Tuesday, September 18, 2007

54. Behavioural problems - "sibling rivalry" from a new puppy?

Children less than 5 years old are often hyperactive and inattentive. Some are energetic and outgoing, some are passive and reserved and clingy.

Puppies behave similarly when they are less than 6 months old, depending on breed. Jack Russell puppies are hyperactive compared to the Cavalier King Charles. The latter may follow the owner everywhere, even to the bathroom.

Hyperactivity and distractibility may be also a temperamental trait. If there are communication problems in addition, appropriate intervention and behavioural management strategies from the professionals may be needed.

The 4-year-old girl lifted up her mum's front half of her blouse many times while the vet discussed treatment of her Jack Russell.

"It is not a nice thing to do," she looked at the girl after she failed to stop her by ignoring her. She pointed her finger at the child and said, "Mummy is not pregnant." She was wearing an "empire" blouse or something of that fashion.

The daughter stopped doing it. The mum had to talk to her. I continued discussion with the 17-year-old son on how to care for the puppy's ears and some skin disease leftover from the sarcoptic mange infection of the ears.

I wonder whether this is a case of "sibling rivalry" --- the sibling being a new puppy taking up attention from the mother. Her only son was 25 years old. Yet the mother looked in her thirties.

"What is your age?" Mark asked. She was not hesitant to reveal her exact age. As expected she was young at forty. Full of energy and sociable. She took her daughter to the Supermarket while she worked. The daughter was confident child. But at her age (less than 5 years old children), hyperactivity, inattention and sibling rivalry from a puppy are to be expected. The mother handled her well.

The mother had a top salesperson temperament. High energy as the Jack Russell as she worked hard at insurance and real estate. I expect her to be very successful in her life.

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